As one of the most , Dr. Brad Greenfield, will explain what places porcelain veneers among the most sought after dental treatments.
Multiple Smile Issues? Porcelain Veneers Address Them All
world. Because they attach to the front side of your tooth, dental veneers cover a variety of smile imperfections, cutting down your time for a complete smile makeover. These dental restorations can correct any of the following all at once:
- Smile gaps
- Chipped teeth
- Crooked teeth
- Uneven spacing
- Permanent tooth stains
- Misshapen teeth
- Craze lines
- Jagged tooth edges
Lake Orion Porcelain Veneers Look Natural
What is worse than an imperfect smile? At our look realistic. Our porcelain veneers are handmade, high quality material, fabricated to look natural.We take into account your smile shape, facial structure, and tooth coloration to develop a unique set of dental veneers. A detail oriented procedure, the porcelain in your veneers even mimics the natural semi-translucency of your teeth.
Porcelain Veneers in Lake Orion
These are only some of the ways porcelain veneers can improve your smile with convenient, durable cosmetic dentistry. To learn more about why we love porcelain veneers, contact our Lake Orion dental office. You can schedule a dental veneers consultation with our cosmetic dentist, Dr. Brad Greenfield, by calling at 248-693-6213.