The end of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month arrives in a few a days. Soon enough, November will take over, and the air will fill with the smell of roasting turkeys. Although breast cancer awareness appears through various outlets during October, many individuals still fail to understand the importance. More importantly to dentists, many people fail to realize the role oral health plays in raising the risks of developing certain cancers. Your Lake Orion dentist, Dr. Brad Greenfield, developed a short, true/false quiz to test your knowledge of breast cancer and oral health.
Breast Cancer Awareness Quiz
Label the following statements as either true or false.
- Men cannot be diagnosed with breast cancer.
- Gum disease can increase a person’s risk of developing breast cancer.
- Gum disease affects only 5% of the American adult population.
Breast Cancer Answer Key
The first statement is – false. Most people tend to believe that only women can develop breast cancer, but breast cancer can affect some men as well. Most reports identify men as less than 1% of breast cancer patients seen in America. However, the importance of breast cancer screenings and raising awareness remains equally important for both genders. Additionally, as we will discuss in the next answer section, oral health serves both genders in limiting the risk of developing breast cancer.
The second statement is – true. According to a study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), people with gum disease show a higher risk of developing breast cancer. The WHO studied test subjects from the 1980s through the mid-2000s and determined that a significant number of breast cancer patients also showed signs of periodontal disease. The evidence linking oral bacteria and gum disease to potential cancers can cause controversy in some scientific circles, but evidence should continue to mount in support of oral-systemic connections. The WHO study highlights the importance of limiting periodontal issues with regular checkups to our Lake Orion office.
The third statement is – false. Sadly, the prevalence of gum disease among American adults comes as a surprise for most people. Currently, as many as 80% of American adults possess some form of gum disease. Other reports indicate that 20% of people with gum disease remain unaware of their condition. The best way to diagnose gum disease remains visiting a dentist. At our office, we can provide a thorough evaluation and offer any helpful advice on how to limit the risk for developing gum disease.
Schedule Your Breast Cancer Awareness Visit
The power of gum disease can seem overwhelming at first. Regular brushing, flossing and mouthrinse use can aid in gum disease prevention. Still concerned about gum disease and breast cancer risks? At Lake Orion Family Dentistry, we can provide you with more information about oral health, as well as comprehensive dental care for the whole family. Contact our Lake Orion cosmetic dental office by calling (248) 693-6213 to schedule an appointment today. We proudly serve families from Lake Orion, Clarkston, Auburn Hills, Oxford, and Rochester Hills, the 48360 zip code, as well as many other areas in southeast Michigan.