It goes without saying that technological advancement has made a number of procedures and treatments much more viable, affording increased chances of preserving your health along the way. Indeed, restorations such as dental crowns and fillings help to preserve your natural teeth and increase your chances of maintaining a healthy smile for life, but sometimes the oral threat can be too great. In today’s blog, your Lake Orion, MI dentist would like to discuss the manner in which dental decay progresses, and how our team can help with customized treatment throughout the process.
How it All Begins
Just like periodontal disease and countless other oral concerns, decay begins with oral bacteria that have taken refuge in the recesses of the mouth. Every smile contains bacteria and it would be foolish to attempt to remove all of them as it is virtually impossible, so the next best course of action is to stay on top of an active preventive dental routine to keep them from wreaking havoc.
When bacteria find a place to set up camp such as between teeth or the crevices atop your back molars, they begin to feed off of the food particles and sugars you consume, causing them to secrete harmful acids that aid in weakening your oral structures. Once a soft spot has formed, it is only a matter of time before a cavity develops thereafter.
Cavities are no stranger to most individuals, and oftentimes can be handled with a dental filling treatment. Bear in mind, however, that time is not on your side when it comes to decay, so acting sooner rather than later increases your chances of successful treatment.
Internal Infection
As decay continues to progress, it works its way inside a tooth where it infects the inner dental pulp and nerves contained in your roots. At this point in the process, you will begin to experience sharp pains, increased sensitivity, and disruption of regular oral function. Your dentist may also recommend a root canal procedure as a last attempt at saving your tooth, but progression any further may result in tooth loss.
Mild to Severe Tooth Loss
Once a tooth becomes compromised beyond saving, the next best step is to prioritize the health of your surrounding teeth by having the infected one extracted. While this temporarily alleviates the problem, keep in mind that you will likely need to pursue a dental implant to not only complete your smile but restore its overall function once again. For more information about this process, reach out to our team.
Learn More Today
Decay can be stopped and addressed at multiple stages of its progression, but it is always better to act sooner rather than later. Contact Lake Orion Family Dentistry in Lake Orion, MI by calling 248-693-6213 to learn more about the spread of decay and how we can provide a treatment to help.