Do I Really Need To Floss My Teeth?

November 11, 2021

It goes without saying that preventive dentistry is a necessary part of oral health and smile care. After all, there are numerous threats such as bacteria, infection, and disease that threaten your smile’s integrity and health, and the least we can do is provide effective protection against them. Because brushing is the foundation of preventive care, however, is it really necessary to floss consistently? In today’s blog, your Lake Orion, MI dentist explains why it is detrimental to your gum health to skip flossing, and how consistent care can lead to stronger gums and a healthier smile.

Complete Care for Your Oral Cavity

Aside from the protective layer of dental enamel that naturally surrounds each tooth, there is nothing stopping oral bacteria, tooth decay, gum disease, and a host of other concerns from compromising your smile’s health. Indeed, the list goes on and on as far as what can negatively influence your health, and there is not much that has the opposite effect. As such, it is important to take ownership of your preventive dental routine so that you can ideally maintain a healthy smile for years to come.

Because your oral cavity is comprised of various structures that influence your oral health, it is only natural that your at-home preventive routine mimics this level of inclusivity. In fact, a thorough routine should consist of brushing twice a day, attending your routine checkups, and flossing after meals. But how important is flossing, really, in the grand scheme of things? Actually, very! For more information about this process, give our team a call today.

Managing Gum Infection

What you might not realize initially about flossing is that it plays an important role in preventing gum disease from developing. You see, food particles become stuck between teeth and near the gums all the time, and though sometimes they can work their way out on their own, most of the time they need help.

Oral bacteria tend to feed off of the food particles that get trapped in our smiles, which then causes them to secrete a destructive acid that leads to tooth decay. As they are drawn to the particles, this increases the chances of them making their way below the surface of your gums. At this stage, plaque can form on your roots and you have yourself a gum infection.

Additional Care

Though periodontal cleaning can be used to manually remove the plaque from the roots of your teeth, the ultimate goal is to prevent this phenomenon from occurring in the first place. By flossing after meals, you are able to reduce your chances of developing gum infection, thus making for a happier and healthier smile.

Learn More Today

Contact Lake Orion Family Dentistry in Lake Orion, MI by calling 248-693-6213 to learn more about the need for gum care and schedule your next appointment with our team today.

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