greenfield cosmetic dentistry

Preparing Your Smile For Spring With Cosmetic Dentistry

February 26, 2024

Do you wish your smile was bright and uniform? If you want to enjoy an even, shining, and attractive smile, then you need cosmetic dentistry. In today’s blog, your Lake Orion, MI, dentist talks about our various cosmetic treatment options, and how we can use them to improve the overall beauty of your smile!

Starting With Your Initial Cosmetic Consultation

When you want to receive cosmetic dentistry and improve the overall beauty of your smile, you start with a cosmetics consultation. During this appointment, we talk to you about your hopes for your smile and conduct a detailed examination, so we can assess the factors behind your esthetic complaints and plan treatment. With cosmetic dentistry, we offer a host of treatment options to mask or correct a number of esthetic issues, from teeth stains to issues with the shape and position of the teeth. We can even offer treatment for gum related issues too!

Whitening Your Teeth

You can pick up teeth whitening treatments in stores, such as strips to toothpastes. While effective, the results typically are not very dramatic and last only a short time. But with cosmetic dentistry, our team can offer professional teeth whitening treatments that brighten your smile by several shades, so you have dramatic results that can last for months to come. We can even discuss changes to your oral hygiene routine to help them last even longer, so you can enjoy a smile that makes you feel confident and helps you make a great first impression too, whether you’re on a first date or a job interview.

Dental Bonding and Contouring

Our team can also correct issues with dental damage or the shape of your teeth using cosmetic dentistry. For example, with dental bonding we use composite resin, the same tooth-colored material employed in our fillings, to repair cracks and chips, reshape malformed teeth, and close embarrassing gaps between the teeth in a single visit. Our team can also contour the teeth, which involves sanding and buffing the outer structure to correct the appearance of chips, reshape prematurely large teeth, and even smooth away grooves, pits, and rough patches in the outer structure too. Our team can use contouring to dull shape, jagged, or pointed portions of your teeth too.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a chance to makeover your smile, as we can address a host of cosmetic issues with a single treatment over the course of two office visits. The first visit involves our team numbing the tooth and removing a thin layer of enamel, so we can make room for your completed restoration. We take digital images and measurements of the tooth too, which we use in a lab setting to design and craft your finished restoration from porcelain. The porcelain material can absorb daily bite forces, which is why we also use it to create lifelike crowns and bridges, and even implant restorations. When your veneers are ready, we will attach them with a strong bonding agent in a follow-up visit. With proper care and attention, your new restorations can last for years to come!

Gum Contouring

What if you have a gummy smile? This refers to a situation in which your gums cover too much tooth structure, making your teeth appear uneven or short and displaying too much tissue. Our team can employ advanced laser dentistry to gently trim away the excess tissues and reshape the tissues in one visit, improving smile beauty and gum symmetry. The same laser technology can be used to aid in treating gum disease too, removing the diseased portions of your tissues. Contouring only takes one visit to complete and most people return to their normal routine in as little as 24 hours. The lasers are precise and don’t damage healthy structures, while also limiting the risk of bleeding, swelling, and infection. No need or sutures or scalpels, and the procedure is comfortable and rarely requires any anesthesia too.

If you have any questions about cosmetic dentistry, or if you’re ready to start your journey to a beautiful and stunning new smile, then contact our team today. We look forward to helping you achieve lifelike results that can last for years to come, so you can enjoy a better quality of life and improve oral health too.


Our team wants to offer stunning results with our treatment options, which is why you may consider a cosmetic consultation in 2024. Find out more about how we improve the beauty of your smile with cosmetic dentistry by contacting Lake Orion Family Dentistry at (248)693-6213! Everyone deserves to smile with confidence!

Our Services

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General Dentistry

General dental care provides preventive services along with feedback about your oral health. We provide important oral health reviews for patients of all ages.

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Advanced Dentistry

The right solution for an active oral health issue can give you more confidence in your smile along with the support to bite and chew comfortably.

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Children’s Dentistry

We strive to make every visit comfortable for the kids who depend on us, and we provide reviews and protection that helps you keep them safe from oral health threats.

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Cosmetic Dentistry

We offer conservative, lasting solutions to the flaws that rob people of confidence in the way they look when they speak and smile.