For many, routine dental cleanings provide enough care to protect against new or worsening problems, but people with gingivitis can require more support. To defend your gums from infection, we can provide a periodontal cleaning (also referred to as scaling and root planing) to remove harmful bacteria from areas beneath the gums.
Recognizing The Signs Of Gingivitis
Your dentist will look out for signs of poor gum health, but you can also perform your own check for a possible infection. Signs of gingivitis can include:
- Gums that are sensitive and bleed easily
- Trouble with persistent bad breath
- More frequent issues with bad breath
- Swelling, sensitivity, or discoloration of gum tissues
- The onset of receding tissues
How Scaling And Root Planing Procedures Differ From Regular Cleanings
Dental Cleaning
- Remove plaque, tartar, and other debris from the surfaces of teeth above the gumline
- Occur at every routine dental exam
- Fit into a single routine visit
Scaling And Root Planing
- Remove harmful bacteria from the roots of teeth by caring for areas covered by the gums
- Occur when signs of gingivitis are present
- May require a second visit to complete
In addition to cleaning the roots of your teeth during your scaling and root planing, the surfaces of your roots are polished to make bacteria less likely to accumulate in the future. To help fight bacteria after treatment, we can recommend a topical antibacterial agent for successful healing.
Talk To Your Lake Orion, MI Dentist’s Office About Periodontal Cleaning!
Through periodontal cleaning, we take on the bacteria responsible for gingivitis in order to stop the condition from worsening and creating long-term difficulties. For more information on how this service can protect you, call Lake Orion Family Dentistry today at 248-693-6213!