Reasons to Improve Your Smile with Porcelain Veneers

October 22, 2020

When you want to improve your smile by improving the appearance of one or more teeth, you have a lot to consider about choosing the right treatment plan. For example, you want the results of your treatment to be as lifelike as possible in blending in with your healthy, natural teeth. Yet, you also want it to effectively improve the appearance of one or more teeth that have become blemished. Striking the right balance between highly effective and highly discreet treatment results is important, which is why many patients choose to improve their smiles with the help of lifelike, minimally invasive porcelain veneers.

They closely resemble your healthy tooth structure

The dental porcelain that veneers are made from plays a huge role in their success and popularity. Modern dental porcelain can be tinted to match the unique color and shade of your healthy, natural tooth structure. Also, because the porcelain is semi-translucent like healthy tooth enamel, it can be layered to replicate the specific way in which your healthy teeth reflect light when you smile. These highly esthetic qualities give porcelain veneers the ability to closely replicate and blend in with the healthy, natural structures of your teeth while instantly correct one or more teeth’s cosmetic blemishes.

They don’t take much prep work to improve a tooth

Porcelain veneers are called veneers because of how they’re designed and placed on your teeth. Each veneer is a thin shell of customized dental porcelain that your dentist bonds to the front surface of a tooth, which creates a new, natural-looking, and blemish-free appearance for the tooth. Because they’re so thin, a veneer can be placed on your tooth with minimal preparation to the enamel on its front surface. Without having to modify your tooth’s main structure, the process allows you to preserve more of its healthy, natural structure and retain most of its strength and integrity for longer.

They can improve more than your smile’s appearance

The highly lifelike appearance of porcelain veneers is an important reason why increasingly more patients choose them to improve their smiles. However, there ae many different benefits to your teeth and oral health that come with choosing porcelain veneers to improve them. For instance, many of the concerns that veneers are typically recommended to address involve damage to a tooth’s structure, such as a chip or light crack. Though it may seem minor, this damage can threaten the tooth’s long-term health and integrity. By improving it early with a custom-designed porcelain veneer, you can prevent minor damage from becoming more severe, and restore your smile with minimally invasive treatment.

Learn how porcelain veneers can improve your smile

There are several potential reasons why you may want to improve your smile, and porcelain veneers can be an ideal solution for many of them. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, call Lake Orion Family Dentistry in Lake Orion, MI, today at 248-693-6213.

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