When a tooth is significantly damaged, or receives treatment for a severe case of tooth decay, the most effective way to restore its strength and integrity may be to place a custom-designed restorative crown over the tooth. Modern dental crowns are typically designed to closely mimic a tooth’s healthy, natural structure, both in its appearance and its ability to restore your tooth’s proper role in your bite function. However, during traditional dental crown placement, the process can take several weeks before you can enjoy your dental crown and newly restored tooth. With advanced CEREC technology, we can eliminate the wait time and help many patients enjoy their custom-designed dental crowns in just one visit.
Why traditional dental crowns take longer
The process of designing a dental crown, crafting it, and placing it on your tooth is traditionally one that involves multiple steps at different locations. First, your dentist will prepare your tooth to receive the crown, then create highly precise measurements and molds of the tooth and your dental ridge. These will be sent to a skilled technician at an off-site, trusted dental laboratory, where your custom dental crown will be crafted with optimal precision. The process can take several weeks before the crown is returned to your dentist’s office and you can schedule a follow-up visit to have it permanently bonded to your tooth.
How to streamline the dental crown process
The reason the traditional dental crown process can take weeks is because the crown is crafted off-site from your dentist’s office. To streamline the process, it’s necessary to make it possible to design and craft the restoration on-site, which is a significant advantage provided by advanced CEREC technology. The computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology allows us to prepare your tooth, design your crown, craft it digitally out of customized, high-quality porcelain, and bond the restoration to your tooth, all during a single visit to our office.
Are you a candidate for a same-day crown?
A same-day dental crown is made possible by the advanced digital technology used to design and craft your dental crown. Aside from this, a CEREC crown is just as effective at addressing the concerns that traditional dental crowns are typically recommended for. These may include significant damage to your tooth’s natural crown structure, such as an extensive fracture or a large piece of the crown being broken off. If you’re a candidate for a dental crown to restore your tooth, then you may also be a good candidate for same-day dental crown.
Learn how to restore your smile faster
Restoring your tooth with a custom-designed dental crown can be faster and more convenient than you expect with same-day restorative treatment. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, call Lake Orion Family Dentistry in Lake Orion, MI, today at 248-693-6213.