How Does Gum Contouring Strengthen Your Smile?

January 12, 2021

Having a beautiful and vibrant smile is usually on the top of many people’s lists of goals for life, as the grin is typically the first feature that one notices about another person. While more obvious concerns such as chips and cracks can be addressed with cosmetic bonding, what are your options for uneven gums? Can that even be properly addressed? In today’s blog, your Lake Orion, MI dentist will look at the process of perfecting your smile through gum contouring, offering a more uniform and symmetrical result.

An Even Appearance

For some individuals, uneven gum development has caused their smile’s appearance to incorrectly portray as misaligned. Even if your teeth are perfectly straight, a gummy smile can cause it to appear somewhat distorted and off kilter. This means that oral tissues cover a larger portion of your tooth’s surface, often at varying degrees to cause asymmetrical coverage. When this occurs, your dentist may recommend having the area contoured.

Similar to the definition of tooth shaping, gum contouring consists of gently reshaping the gum line that covers too much of your oral structures in order to re-establish an even appearance that not only makes your grin more aesthetically appeasing, but helps build back up your confidence as well. For more information, contact our office today.

Protecting Your Smile from Infection

While contouring is an inherently cosmetic process, it also offers some functional and preventive benefits as well. For example, overextended gum lines can be more difficult to clean, especially since they are uneven. What’s more, harmful oral bacteria are more likely to attract and attempt to nestle beneath the tissue line. Once this has occurred, these bacteria will then attach themselves to the roots of your teeth and cause concerns such as plaque or tartar buildup that cannot be addressed with regular brushing alone. If left unmanaged, this can develop further into periodontal disease, potentially causing you to even lose your teeth. In order to combat this, we can help by utilizing advanced dental technology to gently reshape your gum line with a safe but thorough laser procedure. Once complete, it will be much easier to maintain your grin and keep it clean.

A Healthy Grin for Life

A common concern among individuals considering this cosmetic process is how extensive the treatment may be. Our office utilizes advanced technology in order to keep your comfort in mind while performing your procedure. In fact, laser technology can make for a more comfortable experience than traditional tissue shaping, and even allows a shorter recovery time so you can enjoy your new smile sooner.

Schedule Your Visit

Don’t let excessive tissues get in the way of having the gorgeous smile you have always wanted. Contact Lake Orion Family Dentistry in Lake Orion, MI by calling 248-693-6213 today to learn more or schedule your visit with our team.

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