Preventing Gum Disease with Periodontal Cleaning

January 14, 2021

Taking care of your smile is consistent process, and one that takes a number of factors into consideration. Indeed, brushing and flossing do play a major role in your oral health’s standing, but so does attending routine examinations and cleanings, watching what you consume, and more. In fact, dental visits are not just a cavity hunt, and can actually help identify a number of concerns ranging from checking the gums to identifying decay and everything in-between. In today’s blog, your Lake Orion, MI dentist will look at the ways you can prevent the onset of dangerous diseases and infection with the help of periodontal cleaning.

The Dangers of Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is the biggest dental concern out there, affecting nearly three million adults in the United States. While it can be easily treated if spotted early on, many individuals are actually unaware of the moment they should visit their dentist to address the concern.

Oral bacteria are present in the mouth, just as it is in everyone’s. The key to preventing dangerous disease or infection, however, is keeping these bacteria at bay. When you get a food particle lodged between teeth, for example, it attracts these bacteria and they feed off of it. When they make their way beneath the gum line, they can then attach themselves to the roots of teeth, thriving off of the protection that your gums provide. Without treatment, they can form plaque and tartar on the roots. This will ultimately lead to infection, resulting in bleeding or inflamed gums, separation from teeth and the tissues that house them, and ultimately tooth loss. This is known as periodontal disease, and can result in the rapid deterioration of your smile.

Cleaning Beneath the Gums

While flossing is the primary way to prevent bacteria from diving beneath the gums, sometimes smiles need a little help. Your dentist may recommend a deep clean, also known as scaling and root planing, in order to address these concerns. Your treatment will require multiple visits to complete, and consist of your dentist going beneath the surface to carefully but thoroughly remove deposits of harmful bacteria from the roots.

Preventing Reattachment

In addition to removing plaque and tartar on the roots, your dentist will thoroughly smooth and polish the roots to make it even more difficult for bacteria to reattach. With a smooth surface, it can be difficult for bacteria to remain a threat, causing them to disperse somewhere else. For more information on this process, contact our team today.

Learn More Today

Contact Lake Orion Family Dentistry in Lake Orion, MI by calling 248-693-6213 to learn more or to schedule your visit with our team today.

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