It goes without saying that the last thing you want to worry about is losing one or more teeth due to poor oral hygiene. Indeed, our grins endure a significant amount of wear over the course of our lives, and as such, they require consistent attention and care to ensure they are healthy for a really long time. In fact, the earlier preventive care starts, the better, but what does this look like exactly in terms of younger smiles? In today’s blog, your Lake Orion, MI dentist explains why children’s preventive care is so important, as well as what steps you can take to encourage your family to care about their oral health.
Why It Matters
Tooth decay, gum disease, structural complications, and so much more threaten the integrity of our smiles. What’s more? This process occurs from the moment we are born and well into our elder years without decreasing. As such, our dentists encourage us to take an active role in providing necessary preventive care.
Indeed, your oral health is influenced by more than just your teeth, and as such, it requires attention in many different forms. Because of this, a good rule of thumb is to practice a routine that cares for these different areas, including brushing your teeth, flossing, seeking dental education about the way certain foods and substances influence your oral health and attending routine checkups and cleanings.
In terms of care for little grins, they need just as much as adults do, if not more. You see, children’s smiles are still developing, and even though they will go through the process of losing baby teeth and developing permanent adult ones, oral hygiene is still very important. For more information about this process, reach out to our team today.
Flossing, Brushing, and Mouthwash
Just like adults, children should practice a well-rounded preventive routine that takes into consideration their teeth, gums, tongue, and other structures and tissues. This often takes the form of flossing, brushing, and rinsing with mouthwash, and each of these three steps matters tremendously.
Brushing helps remove deposits of bacteria-laden plaque that develop daily, and flossing provides necessary care for the gums by removing stuck food particles and keeping bacteria at bay. Finally, rinsing with mouthwash helps to reach the areas that may have not gotten enough care.
Your Role
It is common knowledge that children tend to mimic the behavior of their parents or guardians, and this is true of dental care. In other words, the more enthusiastic you are about oral care, the more likely your children will be encouraged to care about their own. Additionally, the earlier good habits are instilled, the better chances children will have of maintaining a healthy smile for life.
Learn More Today
Contact Lake Orion Family Dentistry in Lake Orion, MI by calling 248-693-6213 to learn more about the need for an effective children’s preventive routine, and schedule your next appointment today.