It goes without saying that taking care of your smile requires consistent care and practice over the course of your life to maintain. After all, the oral bacteria that constantly threaten your smile every day never cease, so why should you? In all actuality, there may be several ways bacteria can negatively influence your smile, and unfortunately, the number of natural defenses is not promising. In today’s blog, your Lake Orion, MI dentist identifies the importance of ensuring your preventive practices are sufficient for total oral health, and how you can better care for your gums.
Major Concerns From Infection
When we ask our patients about the most common oral health concerns out there, more often than not they are prone to report tooth decay. Indeed, dental decay is actually the most common bacteria-related issue there is, as millions of people in the country experience it in some shape or form every year.
While decay often takes the spotlight as a primary dental issue, it is important you do not lose sight that there are still various other complications that can arise if the proper areas of your smile are not cared for. For example, periodontitis, or advanced gum disease, affects millions of people every year as well, and several more people may have early stages of it without even being aware. But how exactly does gum disease develop and take hold?
You see, your gums are essential for protecting your teeth roots and aiding in structural stability. If you fail to clean the area or care for your tissues properly, oral bacteria can make their way beneath your gumline and attach to teeth roots. This eventually leads to the formation of plaque deposits. Contact our team today to learn more.
In-Office Options
When plaque develops on your teeth roots, the gums unintentionally act as a sort of barrier between effective care. As such, an individual enduring the earlier signs of periodontal infection – as indicated by bleeding or swollen gums and alarmingly loose teeth – could benefit from a periodontal cleaning. This process involves thoroughly but carefully cleaning beneath the gum line and smoothing your tooth roots. If you are uncertain of your status or would like to learn more, give our office a call today.
A Full-Mouth Routine
The last thing we want is for you to experience losing one or more permanent structures as a result of untreated periodontitis. For this reason, we recommend staying on top of your preventive dental routine through flossing after meals to keep oral bacteria at bay.
Schedule Your Appointment
To learn more about the need for consistent periodontal care and how our team can help, contact Lake Orion Family Dentistry in Lake Orion, MI by calling 248-693-6213 and schedule your appointment today.