When Your Smile Needs A Periodontal Cleaning

October 3, 2023

A dental cleaning every six months can help protect your smile from removing harmful plaque and tartar buildup. But what if you need a more involved cleaning, what if you have the warning signs of gum disease? In today’s blog, your Lake Orion, MI, dentist talks about helping with a periodontal cleaning.

The Signs of Gingivitis and Gum Disease

How do you know if you have poor gum health? Factors behind gingivitis and gum disease could include tobacco use, family history of the disease, the use of certain medications, and inflammatory illnesses. Plaque buildup brought on by poor oral hygiene habits and a diet high in sugar and starch could be a factor too. People often report sore gums that appear redder than usual or bleed easily. You could also experience swelling or recession, which makes the teeth appear long or uneven. When you develop these symptoms, don’t delay, let our team know right away so we can offer treatment.

The Process

For the early stages, our team could conduct a periodontal cleaning, which can reverse gingivitis or bring periodontal disease into a more manageable state. The periodontal cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, involves using an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool to break up and remove all plaque and tartar from the teeth. We also smooth the root surfaces to remove buildup and bacterial deposits from there too. We then polish the teeth thoroughly, so plaque and tartar have a more difficult time clinging to the teeth in between your office visits. The procedure could take one visit or up to four, depending on the severity of your buildup.  

Managing Your Oral Health

After the procedure, we may recommend a traditional dental cleaning every three to four months to keep the disease under control and prevent periodontitis, the stage linked to adult tooth loss. At home, you should brush for two minutes in the morning and at night, and floss every evening too. The process helps improve the overall health of your smile, and prevents major complications. You should also avoid tobacco products and cut back on items high in sugar and starch. Instead, add more foods high in vitamin C and D, which can strengthen your teeth and gums.

If you have any questions about how we treat poor oral health and manage your gum health to avoid disease and tooth loss, then contact our team today. We look forward to helping you enjoy your best possible smile for years to come!

Schedule a Visit with Our Team

Our team wants to help you enjoy strong and healthy gums with a preventive approach, so you can continue to smile with confidence. Contact Lake Orion Family Dentistry in Lake Orion, MI by calling 248-693-6213.

Our Services

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General dental care provides preventive services along with feedback about your oral health. We provide important oral health reviews for patients of all ages.

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Advanced Dentistry

The right solution for an active oral health issue can give you more confidence in your smile along with the support to bite and chew comfortably.

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We strive to make every visit comfortable for the kids who depend on us, and we provide reviews and protection that helps you keep them safe from oral health threats.

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Cosmetic Dentistry

We offer conservative, lasting solutions to the flaws that rob people of confidence in the way they look when they speak and smile.