lake orion veneers

How Porcelain Veneers Offer Your Dream Smile

April 16, 2024

When you have several issues with your smile, such as permanent teeth stains, unsightly gaps, or even concerns with the shape of your teeth, then you may need a cosmetic restoration. With one or more of our porcelain veneers, our team can transform the appearance of your smile in just two sittings. In today’s blog, your Lake Orion, MI, dentist talks about porcelain veneers.

The Cosmetic Concerns Veneers Address

Since each veneer we place will cover the front and sides of a tooth, our team can use them to correct a variety of issues all at once. For example, we can mask permanent teeth stains that may otherwise resist traditional teeth whitening. Our team could also repair minor damage and even lengthen structures worn down by teeth grinding. Placement could fill unsightly gaps in your smile too. We can even correct the appearance of minor misalignment too, so you have a straighter-looking smile without the need for braces or aligners. For some, this could offer a makeover for the smile!

Starting the Placement Process

Each one we provide has been custom-made for our patients, as every smile is unique. We start by numbing the tooth or teeth being treated, and then we remove a thin layer of outer enamel to make room for the veneer. Our team gathers detailed digital images and measurements, which are used in a dental lab setting to aid in the design and fabrication of the custom restorations. The porcelain material is very strong and can handle daily bite forces and pressures with ease. We even use the material to create crowns, bridges, and dental implant restorations. The material is also translucent like natural enamel, and we will shade it to blend with your smile seamlessly.

Completing Your Placement

When your new restorations are complete, you will return to our office so we can attach them with a powerful bonding agent, the same we use to secure options like crowns or bridges. They cover the front and sides of the tooth to instantly reshape them and alter the color, so your smile is transformed. To ensure your new results last and look beautiful, you need to maintain good oral health. For example, be sure you brush and floss daily, limit how much sugar and starch is in your diet, and also see our team for a checkup and cleaning appointment every six months. These actions also safeguard your natural teeth too!

If you have any questions about porcelain veneers, then reach out to our office today!


A smile that makes a great first impression is possible with our custom dental restorations. Find out more about our cosmetic treatment options by contacting Lake Orion Family Dentistry at (248)693-6213! 

Our Services

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General Dentistry

General dental care provides preventive services along with feedback about your oral health. We provide important oral health reviews for patients of all ages.

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Advanced Dentistry

The right solution for an active oral health issue can give you more confidence in your smile along with the support to bite and chew comfortably.

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Children’s Dentistry

We strive to make every visit comfortable for the kids who depend on us, and we provide reviews and protection that helps you keep them safe from oral health threats.

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Cosmetic Dentistry

We offer conservative, lasting solutions to the flaws that rob people of confidence in the way they look when they speak and smile.