While preserving your good oral health often means keeping up with good preventive dental care practices, like dental hygiene. It can sometimes mean more. For example, at a majority of people will experience tooth decay at some point in their lives and, as a result, have to treat the cavity that results from it. For […]
Category: Restorative Dentistry
How to Make Replacement Teeth More Lifelike
August 20, 2020
The goal of restoring or replacing a tooth is to allow it to function the way it’s supposed to. In many cases, that goal is coupled with that of making your restoration as discreet and indistinguishable as possible. When it comes to replacing a lost or extracted tooth, both of these goals are especially important […]
How Filling a Cavity Saves a Tooth from Decay
August 13, 2020
If you’ve never experienced a cavity before, there’s a good chance you can prevent one from ever occurring by continuing to practice excellent dental hygiene and preventive care. However, cavities (and the tooth decay that causes them) are still the most common chronic oral health concern for adults. This means there may be an equally […]
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The Dangers of Ignoring Tooth Loss
July 16, 2020
The noticeable impacts of losing a tooth can often be significant enough to make the need to replace it obvious. However, this isn’t always the case, and the problems that can result from losing one or more teeth go far beyond the impact to your smile’s appearance. Today, we explore the potential dangers of ignoring […]
Why Tooth-Colored Fillings Often Treat Cavities Better
July 9, 2020
When it comes to treating any dental health issue, there are often several concerns that you might not realize at first. For example, treating a cavity, which is something many people will have to do at least once in their lives, means more than just filling the hole in your tooth with manmade material. The […]
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