As you may have guessed, most of the mouth-watering treats you dream about all year long that you feel overjoyed to consume during Christmastime are not necessarily healthy for your smile. While this doesn’t mean that you should toss them aside and instead, simply stick to those things that support oral health (though, if you chose to do this, we certainly wouldn’t argue!), we prefer to know our patients are well informed. Our Lake Orion, MI team would like for you to keep in mind as we stroll through a variety of holiday faves that as long as you sip, eat, nibble, and chew carefully, you can eat your Christmas desserts and (safely) enjoy them, too!
Lots and lots of individuals wait all year long for this unique Christmastime drink! What you might not recognize is that it’s quite full of oral health hazards, so sip with caution and remember that a post-drink rinsing and dental hygiene session are worthwhile. Consider the following:
- If you choose to drink alcohol-containing eggnog, it’s definitely acidic and can damage your enamel
- Though the dairy base of this drink is usually just fine for your smile, the large amounts of sugar (and the aforementioned alcohol) will promote cavities
Hot Cocoa
Hot cocoa. Where to begin? This is not good for your oral health, nor is it good for the vibrancy of your smile. As mentioned it is more than okay to indulge from time to time! However, remember that when you drink it, the large amounts of sugar will promote tooth decay if you leave it coating your smile. In addition, the deep pigmentation will promote staining. Follow it with a glass of water!
Hot Apple Cider
Yes, this one happens to be extremely acidic! If there is some natural apple involved (and cinnamon, too) then, of course, it offers you some nutritional benefits. However, the potentially high sugar content and acidity mean bad news for your enamel, which becomes weakened over time as a result of such beverages. Definitely sip water after this one!
Candies, Pastries, And More
Simply put in your mind that if you’re consuming anything full of carbohydrates, whether it’s sugary candies, cookies, cupcakes, fruitcake, or even fruit itself, you’re exposing your smile to particles that lead to decay. Rinse, rinse, and rinse with water!
Enjoy A Safe Smile With Our Tips!
Maintain a healthy grin, even throughout an extravaganza of holiday treats, when you keep some simple tips in mind. To schedule a visit for in Lake Orion, MI, call Lake Orion Family Dentistry today at 248-693-6213.