Pain in our teeth could be the result of a cold winter wind, or even a sinus or allergy problem. However, if the pain persists for more than a day or two, then you may need to talk to your Lake Orion, MI, dentist. Persistent pain and sensitivity are often calling-cards of tooth decay, and we can treat these cavities with a lifelike dental filling!
The Link Between Dental Pain and Tooth Decay
A cavity occurs when harmful bacteria gains access to your inner tooth structure. The layers of dentin, which sit beneath the outer enamel, are sensitive and porous. The enamel typically prevents cavities, but should poor oral hygiene weaken and erode the outer layer, or should an injury crack or chip the outer layer, then bacteria reaches the dentin and a cavity develops. As a result, people may begin to experience tooth sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks, as well as toothaches that grow worse with time. Treating the issue is crucial for preventing painful infections or abscesses.
Treatment With a Tooth-Colored Filling
Fortunately, we can often treat the problem in a single visit! We start by removing the decay and then thoroughly cleaning the tooth itself. Next, our team prepares the filling material. Instead of metal, we use a special composite resin, a metal-free blend of glass and plastic, which we can shade to match the color of the teeth. We apply the material to the teeth and then shape the tooth as we cure the composite resin underneath a special light. Finally, we polish the tooth for a more attractive appearance. In one visit, we halt the spread of decay and protect the teeth!
Keep Decay at Bay
What steps can you take to avoid future cases of tooth decay? First, try to cut back on sugary and starchy foods and drinks, as these ingredients could stick to the teeth and be consumed by bacteria, leading to plaque buildup and weakened tooth enamel. In addition, make time to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each session. Then, floss nightly before going to bed. These actions help remove food particles and prevent serious plaque buildup. Finally, take time to see our team for a routine checkup and cleaning every six months, so we can remove plaque and help prevent a cavity from developing. If you have any questions about protecting your smile, especially during the holiday season, then contact our team today.
Let’s Treat Your Dental Cavity
Cavities not only lead to a greater risk of discomfort, but the potential onset of infection and dental abscesses. To schedule an appointment and discuss treatment options, call Lake Orion Family Dentistry in Lake Orion, MI, today at 248-693-6213.