Bruxism: Questions You Keep Wondering About! 

November 5, 2019

Bruxism disorders seems like a simple issue at first glance. You get it. You’re not trying to grind or clench your teeth but you’re doing it every day (or nightly) because you cannot control the muscle movements that are taking place. Fortunately, you also know that our Lake Orion, MI team offers bruxism treatment to patients dealing with this functional disorder. This is all helpful information, of course, that will assist you with protecting your oral health. However, you want more info. We understand! Let’s answer common questions (and, remember, we’d love to see you during a visit if you have any more to ask!).

Why Is Bruxism Happening?

Patients frequently find themselves wondering, why is bruxism disorder occurring in the first place? You know that it’s happening and that it’s a disorder and a problem but you don’t remember doing anything particularly risky for it to begin. The truth is, there’s no solid, underlying answer for why you’re dealing with chronic clenching and grinding! There are many things that may be making it happen or making it worse, such as excess caffeine consumption, a misaligned bite, habits that cause you to move your teeth frequently, and more. Fortunately, we can help you figure out how to make it better, even if there’s not one particular cause.

Are You Doing Something To Make It Worse?

We are happy to explain what might be making things worse or what might have contributed to the development of your bruxism disorder, so you can make things better. Remember, the way you live your daily life plays into making bruxism worse or better, so consider the following:

  • Excessive snacking or habits that require lots of chewing, such as chewing gum, using a toothpick, etc., make matters worse
  • Too much caffeine can make things worse
  • Unmanaged stress may contribute
  • TMJ disorder is a factor
  • A poorly aligned bite or bite balance issues come into play

Is Treatment Actually Beneficial?

Choosing to treat your bruxism disorder with bruxism treatment sounds wonderful, of course! However, you wonder: Is it really going to do any good? The answer is very easy! It’s a yes. When you treat your bruxism with our care, you immediately help keep teeth immobilized when you’re sleeping and you cushion your teeth, so you minimize the chance for damage. You’ll just wear a nightguard, when sleeping, for amazing results.

Schedule A Visit For Your Bruxism Today

Set up a dental checkup with our team, just as soon as you can, when you are ready to discuss and treat your bruxism disorder! See us for comfortable, noninvasive, effective treatment! To schedule a visit for in Lake Orion, MI, call Lake Orion Family Dentistry today at 248-693-6213.

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We offer conservative, lasting solutions to the flaws that rob people of confidence in the way they look when they speak and smile.