Gum Contouring Can Reshape Your Smile

November 14, 2023
lake orion gum contouring

Cosmetic dentistry isn’t just limited to the teeth! Instead, our team can also treat concerns with the appearance of your gums too. With advanced laser technology, we can reshape the gum line to recontour your smile. In today’s blog, your Lake Orion, MI, dentist talks about the gum contouring procedure.

The Reasons to Tackle Your Gummy Smile

You could display too much gum when you smile due to complications with the growth of your smile and the eruption of your teeth. Excess gingival tissues could also be due to swelling from periodontal disease, or issues with the placement of a prosthetic. This could make your teeth appear short and uneven. Our team can reshape the gum line by using the contouring process, employing advanced laser technology to remove excess tissues and offer better smile symmetry.

A Laser Approach

Our team will gently mark the areas where tissues need to be trimmed away. Our team will then employ the dental laser, which is specially calibrated to handle soft tissue concerns, to remove the excess tissues. The laser can do so without the use of anesthesia in many cases, and targets the area with precision, meaning there is no damage to healthy structures and tissues. Since we don’t use a scalpel or sutures, the area heals much quicker, with people returning to their normal routine in as little as 24 to 48 hours. The procedure is comfortable, quiet, and the laser essentially cauterizes the treated areas to prevent swelling, infection, and bleeding afterward. In only one visit, you can obtain a more attractive smile!

Treating Periodontal Disease

If you have advanced cases of periodontal disease, we can use this to help manage the issues and protect your smile from the later stages connected to adult tooth loss. The laser will gently remove the diseased portions of the tissues, so healthy ones can attach themselves to your teeth, reducing the depth of periodontal pockets. You can then smile with confidence, and avoid issues like swelling, redness, soreness, and bleeding, which are often experienced by people with serious cases of periodontal disease. Moving forward, we can help manage it with simple cleanings every three to four months, and better oral hygiene habits at home.

If you have any questions about how our team will address gummy smiles with laser technology, or about treating periodontal disease and other serious soft tissue concerns, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence again!

Do You Need Cosmetic Treatment?

Our team wants to help you obtain a smile that looks great and stays strong and healthy too. Contact Lake Orion Family Dentistry in Lake Orion, MI by calling 248-693-6213 to schedule your cosmetic treatment.

Our Services

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General Dentistry

General dental care provides preventive services along with feedback about your oral health. We provide important oral health reviews for patients of all ages.

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Advanced Dentistry

The right solution for an active oral health issue can give you more confidence in your smile along with the support to bite and chew comfortably.

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Children’s Dentistry

We strive to make every visit comfortable for the kids who depend on us, and we provide reviews and protection that helps you keep them safe from oral health threats.

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Cosmetic Dentistry

We offer conservative, lasting solutions to the flaws that rob people of confidence in the way they look when they speak and smile.