Are you certain that you’re checking off all the boxes when making your way through your brushing checklist? If not, you may discover you’re overlooking some simple yet impactful aspects of dental hygiene, which can lead to a healthy smile or one that experiences bouts of decay and other problems. We encourage you to review […]
Our Blog
TMJ Dysfunction: 3 Important Details
October 13, 2016
When you are starting to notice discomfort in your jaw area, it’s important to come in for a visit. Why? Unfortunately, a disorder known as TMJ dysfunction (TMD) may be affecting your oral health. Though science has not pinpointed one (or a set) of specific causes, we can certainly talk with you about potential stressors […]
Two Ways To Treat Decay
October 6, 2016
Tooth decay damages your tooth to a point that restorative care becomes essential. While you may have some general understanding of decay (like the fact that you’ll end up with a cavity because of it), this doesn’t mean you understand the ways we address the problem. If you thought a cavity was a hole that […]
OTC Whitening? Say No Thanks.
September 29, 2016
When you’re on a mission to make your smile look better by erasing stains, your first stop is likely whitening. It’s a good place to begin because, for many patients, teeth whitening quickly and effectively gets rid of stains, so the finished product is a brilliant, vivid smile. Unfortunately, if this first stop of yours […]
Benefits Of Dental Hygiene
September 22, 2016
Think you already know all about the benefits of dental hygiene? If you answered, “Yes, it keeps my smile clean!” then you certainly have the overall idea down pat. What you might not know, however, is just how that benefits you or what it really means for the life of your smile. To help you […]