Taking care of your smile is a lifelong process, and one that requires assistance from many angles. Indeed, there are several factors out there that can negatively influence your oral health, including oral bacteria-related issues, physical accidents or emergencies, and more, but unfortunately there are significantly fewer defenses in place. That being said, your smile […]
Our Blog
What Goes On During Your Regular Checkup?
November 3, 2022
Whether you are aware of it or not, your oral health is constantly on the defensive against a host of different threats. Indeed, from bacteria-related concerns like tooth decay and gum disease to non-traditional issues such as a physical accident or emergency, there is not much your smile is protected from. As such, we must […]
How Does Your Diet Influence Oral Health?
November 1, 2022
In our most recent blog, we took a look at the way denture treatment can be sought in order to address significant or complete tooth loss. While nobody’s first choice is to lose a permanent structure, in many cases, this phenomenon is out of one’s control. Still, taking strides to practice regular dental prevention and […]
Completing Your Smile With Dentures
October 27, 2022
Although we take strides to practice routine dental prevention and attend our regularly-scheduled checkup and cleaning appointments, sometimes an infection or other oral health concern can occur. It is always best to treat these issues as early as possible, but in certain situations, this may not be a viable option. In fact, many early stages […]
Correcting A Multi-Tooth Gap With A Bridge
October 25, 2022
Nothing is more disheartening than putting in all of the work and effort to keeping your smile healthy and happy just for a dental emergency to occur and rip the rug from beneath your feet. Indeed, tooth loss is a phenomenon that we all experience once as children when our adult teeth replace our baby […]