While preserving your good oral health often means keeping up with good preventive dental care practices, like dental hygiene. It can sometimes mean more. For example, at a majority of people will experience tooth decay at some point in their lives and, as a result, have to treat the cavity that results from it. For […]
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When to Pay Closer Attention to Your Teeth-Grinding Habit
September 24, 2020
Sometimes, things that you know should be a problem don’t seem like one, and you aren’t sure if you should bring it up with your dentist. For instance, if your tooth is slightly sensitive, but the sensitivity goes away, then you might not consider it something worth paying attention to. Or, if you notice that […]
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Things You Can’t Do if You Have Gum Disease
September 22, 2020
Many people who have gum disease don’t realize the extent of the problem, or its significance to their oral health, until it reaches its later, more severe stages. This can include severe levels of erosion in your gum tissues, as well as a loss of mass and density in your jawbone structure, the loss of […]
Why Dental Restorations Are More Lifelike These Days
September 17, 2020
Unlike cosmetic dental treatments, the main purpose of restorative dentistry is to repair a tooth that’s been damaged or compromised in a way that can lead to more serious oral health problems later. For example, problems such as fractures or breaks in your tooth affect much more than your smile’s appearance, but also the health […]
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In Case You’re Curious About Porcelain Veneers
September 15, 2020
Porcelain veneers have become increasingly more well-known over the years among people who want to improve their smiles’ appearance. Often referred to as an instant smile makeover, much of their popularity lies in the fact that they can correct multiple different smile concerns at once, and with minimal treatment overall. If you’re curious about porcelain […]
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