Saving Your Tooth With Advanced Treatment

August 3, 2023

If you have a toothache that lasts for more than a day, or if we find a cavity during your six-month checkup, then we need to take action. With advanced dental fillings and crowns, we can use metal-free materials to treat your tooth. In today’s blog, your Lake Orion, MI, dentist talks about our composite resin dental fillings and other advanced dentistry options.

The Dangers of Tooth Decay and Infection

Cavities can impact people of all ages, harming smiles in childhood and adulthood alike. Without treatment, this could lead to an infected tooth or even the risk of tooth loss. We recommend an appointment every six months so we can examine your smile and watch for the earliest indicators of cavities, otherwise you may not know you need treatment until your tooth hurts or develops sensitivity, at which point the risk of infection is much higher too. Both tooth decay and dental infection could lead to pain in your smile and threaten your smile’s stability, so come see us when you have pain in your smile, as we can help with advanced dentistry.

Dental Damage

Advanced dentistry can also help with damaged teeth. When a tooth is cracked or chipped, or broken or worn down, this could not only change the appearance of your smile but also increase the risk of cavities and infection, as sensitive inner portions of tooth structure are now exposed to harmful oral bacteria. When you damage a tooth, rinse with warm water and use cloth or gauze to control bleeding. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever and use a cold compress to the side of the face to fight swelling. Schedule a visit with our team right away so we can use advanced dentistry to offer lifelike results and safeguard your smile!

Examining Your Smile

To start treatment, our team will begin with a detailed examination. During your dental exam, we will take a close look at your smile with digital x-rays and intraoral cameras, obtaining detailed imagery with 90% less radiation. These will be available instantly chairside, so need for bitewings or lengthy development periods. We can walk you through the diagnosis and make one with precision and accuracy, so we know just what advanced dentistry option we can use to offer lifelike results and quality restoration for your cavity or damaged tooth.

CEREC Crowns

If you need a dental crown which caps the entire visible portion of your tooth, our team will provide one in only a single visit! The CEREC system employs CAD/CAM technology to allow us to design and craft a restoration in only one sitting. We begin by numbing your tooth and then gently removing structure to make room for your crown. We next gather detailed images and instruments, so we can create a 3D digital impression. Our team then uploads the information into an onsite milling machine, which crafts your finished product from a solid block of ceramic. The finished restoration will be shaded to blend with your smile. We then check the fit and place your new crown, all in a single sitting!

Creating Fillings from Composite Resin

Dental fillings also treat cavities in one visit, and we use a metal-free option that is safe for all ages, one that can blend with your tooth too. Composite resin is a durable and biocompatible material we shade to match your tooth. We numb your tooth and then carefully remove decay before we clean the surfaces. We apply the composite resin in several layers, and shape the tooth as this material cures beneath a light. Finally, we polish the teeth to keep them bright and make it more difficult for plaque and tartar to adhere to them before your next cleaning appointment.

Root Canal Therapy

What if a tooth is infected? In this case, treatment is crucial for avoiding the loss of your tooth and the spread of infection. Our team will numb the tooth so you’re comfortable as we open it and remove the infected tissues from within. We then clean the interior of the tooth and add a unique restorative material known as gutta percha. Finally, ww cap the tooth with a custom CEREC crown.

If you have any questions about advanced dentistry, or about if you have an aching or damaged tooth that needs attention, then contact our team today.

Do You Need Advanced Dentistry?

We want to treat your cavity and prevent the onset of infection in your smile with advanced dentistry. Please contact Lake Orion Family Dentistry in Lake Orion, MI by calling 248-693-6213.

Our Services

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General Dentistry

General dental care provides preventive services along with feedback about your oral health. We provide important oral health reviews for patients of all ages.

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Advanced Dentistry

The right solution for an active oral health issue can give you more confidence in your smile along with the support to bite and chew comfortably.

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Children’s Dentistry

We strive to make every visit comfortable for the kids who depend on us, and we provide reviews and protection that helps you keep them safe from oral health threats.

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Cosmetic Dentistry

We offer conservative, lasting solutions to the flaws that rob people of confidence in the way they look when they speak and smile.