From a very young age, your family and dentist have stressed the importance of maintaining excellent oral care. After all, your adult teeth are permanent and once they are gone, they will not come back. Oftentimes, this notion was emphasized when your parents checked to make sure you were brushing your teeth in order to […]
Our Blog
Porcelain Veneers Can Do It All
May 11, 2021
Maintaining a healthy smile for life is an ongoing process, and it is up to us to take an active role in pursuing strong and durable teeth. Indeed, practices such as attending necessary checkups, brushing and flossing at home, and even being conscious of your diet all play a role in your smile’s health. For […]
Don’t Put Off Your Next Checkup!
May 4, 2021
When people are tasked with revealing what comes to mind when they hear the word “smile,” many individuals think of cosmetic items such as appearance or shine. While these certainly are important factors to consider for a number of people, let us not forget the importance of oral health overall. Indeed, oral health involves a […]
Brightening Your Smile With Whitening
April 29, 2021
Whether you are aware of it or not, our smiles endure a significant amount of wear as the day goes on. Indeed, dental decay is often the biggest threat that many hear about, but bear in mind that your day-to-day routine can also have a major impact. This can include your shine becoming dull, experiencing […]
Addressing Cosmetic Damage With Bonding
April 27, 2021
It goes without saying that the list of factors that negatively impact our oral health feels never-ending at times. Indeed, from common concerns such as gum disease and decay to less-common situations involving sleep apnea or bruxism, attempting to keep up with your smile can seem like a daunting task. In some situations, however, functional […]