Having trouble keeping your thoughts focused on your smile when fun, festive times like the holidays roll around? While you may find yourself quite distracted, we generally find that nearly everything reminds us of your teeth and gums! Granted, we are dental professionals … but we are happy to help you make these dental health […]
Our Blog
Tooth Loss: Are There Consequences?
December 20, 2016
You might find yourself feeling curious about tooth loss. Is it stigmatized because it doesn’t look very good, you wonder? Do you make assumptions that it’s bad for your oral health but wonder if perhaps it’s actually not damaging at all? Your instincts are likely serving you well if you think ignoring missing teeth is […]
Show Your Selfie Contest
December 15, 2016
Do you own a selfie stick? Does the idea of taking a selfie of yourself while you eat something scrumptious, while you shop, or any other time of day seem like a no brainer? If so, you just might want to take note of this year’s Show Your Selfie Contest for a chance to win a […]
Quiz: Safely Relying On Bottled Water
December 6, 2016
Is it possible to rely on drinking water from a carry-it-with-you bottle on a daily basis? The answer is: Of course! Is there a right way and a wrong way to do this? Again, the answer is: Of course! To help you make sense of how to approach protecting your oral health with consistent water […]
Orion’s Lighted Christmas Parade
November 29, 2016
If you love nothing more than the glittering lights of holiday time, you are in for a real treat! Who knew the illumination and sparkle could become even more brilliant and that taking in these beautiful decorations could turn into an over-the-top fun time? If you haven’t been to the Orion Lighted Christmas Parade, it’s […]