It seems like the mantra of summer is “Drink More Water.” Really, you can hardly go wrong adhering to that advice. From a medical standpoint, water is calorie free, easy to obtain, and vital to body processes. Dentists like the fact water has no sugar, and travels with you just about anywhere. Public drinking fountains […]
Our Blog
FAQs: Trying An Electric Toothbrush
June 28, 2016
Do you ever take a look at your manual toothbrush and wonder if you’re doing yourself a disservice? With all of those electric toothbrush options out there, is it time to make a change? If you do decide to go electric over manual, is there some sort of guide that will help you make the […]
Tips to Prevent Tooth Loss
June 21, 2016
You shouldn’t wait until you’ve lost one or more teeth before taking steps to prevent it from happening again. After all, once you lose a permanent tooth, it’s lost forever. Luckily, preventing tooth loss isn’t necessarily complicated. Retaining all of your teeth simply means understanding the forces that cause tooth loss and preventing them from wreaking […]
FAQs: Serrated Teeth
June 14, 2016
Have you been asking yourself, “Why do I have serrated teeth?” but you have noticed you cannot come up with any definitive answers? Keep in mind that this is a wonderful question for our team and one we are happy to discuss at length with you during your next visit. As for the specifics, do […]
Quiz: Are Your Habits Streamlined?
June 7, 2016
Do you know if your oral health habits are streamlined to ensure you’re getting the most out of the time you’re putting into your prevention? Or, do you think perhaps there are areas of your daily and annual care that you could improve upon if only you could find a way to become a bit […]