When asked if it’s essential to floss to protect your oral health, you will likely answer, “Yes!” After all, you have been hearing this for your entire life. However, that does not mean that you do it, that you understand what makes it essential, or that you’re clear on what might happen if you don’t. […]
Category: General Dentistry
Bad Breath? Reach For A Tongue Scraper.
December 29, 2016
If you’re not someone who brushes your tongue on a daily basis, you may find that you end up with bad breath. Unfortunately, you may attempt to address the problem through all other possible solutions until you realize that the bacteria on your tongue may be the surprisingly simple culprit. If you’re someone who doesn’t […]
4 Expert Tips For A Healthy Smile In 2017
December 27, 2016
When the new year makes its appearance, you might have some lofty goals planned for your teeth and gums. It’s a new set of 12 months, which means you can create some goals for yourself and feel as though you’re turning a new leaf (one that includes amazing dental hygiene and attention to preventive care, […]
3 Ways The Holidays Relate To Your Smile
December 22, 2016
Having trouble keeping your thoughts focused on your smile when fun, festive times like the holidays roll around? While you may find yourself quite distracted, we generally find that nearly everything reminds us of your teeth and gums! Granted, we are dental professionals … but we are happy to help you make these dental health […]
Quiz: Safely Relying On Bottled Water
December 6, 2016
Is it possible to rely on drinking water from a carry-it-with-you bottle on a daily basis? The answer is: Of course! Is there a right way and a wrong way to do this? Again, the answer is: Of course! To help you make sense of how to approach protecting your oral health with consistent water […]