You may find that you aren’t quite sure what to expect when it comes to repairs for your smile. The good new is that we offer restorative care options that will improve your smile when something goes wrong. While we encourage you to rely as much as you can on preventive dentistry (which includes brushing, […]
Category: Restorative Dentistry
Yes, Root Canal Treatment Is Comfortable
July 15, 2015
Root canal treatment is comfortable and extremely effective, which may not sound like exactly what you expected to hear. We understand that you may have heard stories to the contrary. Fortunately, this restorative solution is something that can save your tooth, while removing the source of infection and any uncomfortable side effects. Ready to say […]
Can I Replace My Metal Dental Work?
June 24, 2015
If you have visited us recently, you know that we feel strongly about providing metal-free dentistry to protect your smile. If this is the case, you may have found yourself wondering what to do about work you’ve had done in the past that was not metal free. The good news is that we can replace […]
Reasons You May Need A Dental Crown
June 5, 2015
Dental crowns have the ability to rescue a tooth that requires exceptional assistance and that can no longer remain standing in its current state. This is, of course, wonderful news, since every patient is happy to escape the need for a tooth extraction when possible. However, you may still find that you are unsure why we […]
Compelling Reasons to Choose A Dental Filling
June 3, 2015
Are you suffering from tooth decay? If so, that little hole in your tooth may turn into a big hole if you neglect it and avoid scheduling a dental filling to repair your tooth. Though you may initially not even recognize that you have a cavity, this does not mean agreeing to treatment is unnecessary. […]
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