Just one missing tooth can affect your smile, self-confidence, facial structure, your jawbone, joints, and surrounding muscle. You wouldn’t think an individual tooth could hold such importance, but it does. Your tooth is like a bone. If you were to lose part of your bone from any part of your body, there would be numerous […]
Category: Restorative Dentistry
Lifelike Restorations in Just One Visit
April 16, 2014
Have you injured a tooth or experienced a persistent . […]
The Pitfalls of Amalgam Fillings
March 31, 2014
Though effective, the popularity of amalgam fillings lies mostly in their cost-effectiveness, which, for many patients, is only an illusion. […]
The What, How, and Why of Composite Resin
February 20, 2014
Composite resin dental restorations have been around since the 1960s, but didn’t become widely used in the U.S. until the 1990s. In the years since, composite resin fillings have made mercury amalgam all but obsolete. Today, we’re answering essential questions about this backbone of the holistic dental practice. […]
Improve Your Smile with Dental Crowns
December 3, 2013
In order to restore a tooth to full function and beauty, you may require a dental crown. A dental crown can be custom-made from biocompatible materials to ensure a lifelike and holistic restoration. Your . […]