When you learn that you have bruxism disorder, you may find yourself feeling lots of emotions! One thing that may happen is you may end up giving yourself a somewhat hard time about the fact that you didn’t pick up on it before we found it. Or, you may have known for some time that […]
Our Blog
Tooth Decay: Why It’s A Serious Enemy To Consider!
June 18, 2019
You may think of tooth decay as something that’s not really a very big deal. It can happen to anyone, it’s fixable with the help of a dental filling, and we can find it for you very early on. So, why bother to really worry? Well, the truth is, these are all accurate details if […]
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Do I Need A Periodontal Cleaning? Or Not?
June 11, 2019
When patients visit our Lake Orion, MI practice, one of the common questions we receive from them is how they will know if they need a periodontal cleaning or a traditional cleaning. Generally speaking, those requiring traditional professional cleanings are those whose gums are healthy! Those in need of a deep (or periodontal) cleaning will […]
Lake Orion Lion’s Club Downtown Jubilee
June 6, 2019
Mark your calendars for a three-day extravaganza of fun for the Lake Orion, MI community. This gathering is part family reunion, part fairground, part race track (for little ones on Big Wheels, that is) and an all around good time. Your Lake Orion family dentists reminds you to enjoy a safe and sensible adventure. […]
Pack for Your Trip with Your Smile In Mind
June 4, 2019
Staycation? Beach weekend? Business travel? College internship? Sleepaway camp? No matter how old you are or where you live, there’s a pretty good chance you might be traveling this summer. Any time there is a break routine, there is a chance your dental habits might need a little extra support. Luckily, your trusted dentist […]